Mac users - you may be able to do this too, but as I don’t own a Mac, I can’t test on a Mac or write about Mac stuff. Under Settings, change from the default Print All Pages to Key Assignments.Open a Word document that is based on the template where you know the custom keyboard commands are stored (if stored in Normal, just open a blank Word document).Click the drop-down arrow for the Macros in list, then select Word commands.Go to the View tab and click the large Macros icon.List all in-built Microsoft Word keyboard commands #MICROSOFT WORD SYMBOLS KEYBOARD SHORTCUTS MAC#
#Fonts used in pokemon raptor ex pdf
PDF if you want a document to save), then click Print. #MICROSOFT WORD SYMBOLS KEYBOARD SHORTCUTS PDF# Under Settings, change from the default Print All Pages to AutoText Entries.All posts on this blog related to keyboard shortcuts.I’ve previously written about using toolbar icons, macros, or other features of Word to paste copied text as unformatted text (see and ).

However, if you have to do this a lot, there’s another, much easier, way - assign a keyboard shortcut to the ‘paste as unformatted text’ command. Note: As far as I’m aware you can do this in all versions of Word from at least Word 2010 onwards.